So Unreal

It really doesn't seem real. I don't feel like I'm going to India. I don't have my visa, so I can't get my ticket. And having a ticket to fly somewhere makes it feel more real. All I have as evidence is an almost completely packed suitcase just waiting for me to get my visa and ticket so it can finish getting packed. It's starting to drive me a little insane. Trying to be mentally and emotionally prepared to leave for 6 months when I don't have a set departure date anymore is a bit hard. I had Monday December 10 picked out as the day I was leaving. And my friends are throwing me a farewell party tomorrow night. But I might be around for a few days longer. Not that I mind too much, I just really want to get this adventure started! So, prayers for my visa would be greatly appreciated! It's so far been 4 days longer than they told me it would be.


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