Today in school I did Madlibs with the girls. They really
enjoyed it so now I need to come up with more, and it’s not very easy to do!
Here is 1 standard’s story (their words in red) and their photos so y’all know
what they look like:

Once upon a time there was a princess named Lizzie. Her parents were King Sam
and Queen Sindu. They lived in a big red castle in the
land of Strawberries. One day Princess Lizzie decided to go visit Jayne.
Jayne lived in the land of England which was very cold.
To get to England, Princess Lizzie had to use an airplane.
She also had to cross a street. After five days Princess Lizzie
reached the land of England and was told that
her friend Jayne had traveled to the land of Strawberries to visit Princess Lizzie in the big red castle. So
Princess Lizzie traveled back to her big red castle and had
tea with her friend Jayne. The End.

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