So I took a break…

It would seem I forgot I have a blog. I used to be a very avid blogger and now I don’t really enjoy it. I want to give y’all updates on my life here in India, but sitting down and actually writing about my daily life is rather boring. I feel like it’s as exciting about writing about my life in my Ontario home. I live here and everything that happens just seems normal, even killing a little scorpion last week seemed normal. He was in the living room and had to die. Just like spiders in my Ontario home. But I don’t kill spiders here. Except the really fuzzy black one that was in my shower. That was gross. He had to die.

Life here in the past month has been the same as the month before that. I’m almost halfway through my time here which is absolutely crazy!!! My days are spent teaching in the mornings (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday,) Tuesdays I don’t teach as there are more teachers than we need everyday and Fridays are my day off. The girls are in school from 9:30 – 4ish so I have a lot of downtime during the day. I spend my time reading or chatting with Jayne and we often go into Kollegal to buy stuff from the market, lately I’ve been buying lots of fruit as I over indulged in cookies and chocolate… Sometimes one of the younger girls will come with us so we have a slow stroll into town. The afternoons are getting very hot so I have a rest after lunch. Going from 17C in the morning to 35C in the afternoon is quite draining! I spend time with the girls in Jayne’s dorm in the afternoons as I’ve adopted the dorm and they like to play card games with me or do my hair. I usually have to redo my hair when they are done though as they pull it very tight!

That’s pretty much life at the moment. I’ll try to get more updates done more often but now I must go get some milk as it’s milking time!


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